Wizards of the Coast Generative AI

Creating Magical Gaming Experiences with Generative AI

Wizards of the Coast Generative AI


Wizards of the Coast

Tech stack

Google Cloud


Generative AI


AI + Machine Learning

Wizards of the Coast is one of the world’s leading game developers and publishers, known for creating Magic: The Gathering, and Dungeons & Dragons. The company wanted to transform its digital gameplay and player experiences by leveraging the latest in GenAI technologies on Google Cloud. To do this, Wizards partnered with Datatonic and Google Cloud to deploy three proof of concept innovative GenAI Agents to improve player experience and accessibility, accelerate game development and improve decision making with analytics.

Our impact

  • Increasing customer retention and revenue through improved in-game experiences and lowered barriers to play with our Personalization Agent
  • Providing easy access to key insights, helping Wizards to better understand their players using the Productivity + Insights Agent
  • Accelerating game development with code generation to allow developers to focus on innovation and deploying new features


The challenge

Wizards of the Coast delivers unique entertainment that inspires creativity, sparks passion, forges friendships, and fosters communities around the globe.  

With Generative AI becoming more widely used, gaming companies around the world are beginning to understand the power it has to enhance experiences and accelerate game development.  

To take player experiences and game development to the next level, Wizards wanted to test the introduction of Generative AI into its current data and operational strategy to increase code creation productivity, accelerate their development process of digitizing playing cards, and enhance the digital gameplay and customer experience.   

This would enable: 

  1. Faster game development & new feature rollout
  2. Improved accessibility & increased player growth


Our solution

Wizards enlisted the GenAI expertise of Datatonic to develop its three new use cases on Google Cloud:  

Personalization Agent  

  • Building a GenAI Agent to answer questions from new to intermediate players using natural language Q&A with game knowledge 
  • Creating a secure, production-ready backend application hosted on Google Cloud, including guardrails, monitoring and alerting, automated deployment, and automated document ingestion 
  • Integrating into Digital Learn to Play tools for potential future inclusion in digital MTG products 

Productivity + Insights Agents 


  • Creating an internal analytics assistant to answer queries and provide rapid insights about Magic: The Gathering events with 95%+ accuracy 
  • Developing capabilities to answer both free text queries and a predefined set of certified queries through clicks 
  • Implementing guardrails to ensure the right levels of access, privacy and security for its users 

Code Generation 

  • Enabling developers to accelerate code development, including code refactoring suggestions, unit test generation suggestions and docstring generation 
  • Creating a secure code improvement tool to ensure no code is shared with public-facing generators, such as ChatGPT 


“Gen AI will help empower the creation of new experiences that simply wouldn’t be possible otherwise, opening interesting opportunities to breathe new innovation into games.” – Scott Neumann, Vice President, Digital Gaming Head of Technology, Wizards of the Coast 

These new use cases allow Wizards of The Coast to securely experiment with Generative AI, without the risks associated with using publicly-available models online. Already, they are enhancing code development, unlocking fast insights, and providing engaging new player experiences.  


Find out more about our five Generative AI Agents and how they can help your business today. 


Datatonic has several Generative AI solutions, ranging from workshops to explore the possibilities with GenAI on Google Cloud, to a full custom Generative AI model implementation, and managed GenOps platform.