dbt Health Check (Americas)

Health Check

Find out how you can improve how your business uses dbt, optimising for performance, ease-of-use, and cost-effectiveness.

dbt Datatonic

dbt Health Check

Assess your existing dbt solution

The dbt Health Check evaluates your current dbt implementation to make recommendations on areas of improvement.

We review:

  • General project configuration
  • Maintainability and extensibility of modelling approach
  • Performance and cost implications of project configuration
  • Overall use and best practices

Ensure the core of your dbt project is well implemented for success today and future extensibility and that you are using the appropriate dbt solutions for your data challenges and use cases

Health Check Structure (30 hours)


  • Kick-Off Session
  • Fact-finding + Investigation
  • Midpoint Review
  • Fact-finding + Investigation
  • Final Review

Pricing starts from US$ 7,500

Explore how you can optimise how your business uses dbt with a dbt Health Check

Let us know what your current dbt challenges are, and we’ll work together to find out how we can fix them.